Techniques and Tools for Elevating Public Health Performance and Impact

For the past several years, Public Health professionals and leaders have been hearing about concepts like Public Health 3.0, moving upstream, and collective impact.  Major reports on the public health workforce have emphasized the need for developing “strategic skills” and “building systems, not silos.”

PHAB Accreditation and reaccreditation standards have added to the pressure to elevate practices in public health, but the accreditation journey can feel more like boxes to check than clear direction for the specific changes that will make all those nice-sounding phrases a reality. 

The Public Health Infrastructure funding is finally providing one-time funding to help pay for these changes.  The good news is that the funding is flexible.  The difficulty is that the flexibility doesn’t provide a lot of clarity on the most impactful ways to use that funding for the themes of “Coordinate and Collaborate” or “Monitor and Evaluate.”

What has generally been lacking is the details about the practical techniques and tools for accomplishing all those important aspirations. 

That’s why we created this webinar.


We’ll be sharing specific techniques and tools that can allow both state and local health departments make the most of the one-time public health infrastructure funding to achieve meaningful and sustainable improvements in their performance and impact.

Participants will learn about high-impact ways to improve the way they do their strategic plans, performance management, Quality Improvement, CHAs, CHIPs, and Workforce Development.

In this webinar, Bill Barberg shares about:

  • State-of-the-art approaches to developing and implementing both organizational strategies and community strategies for achieving collective impact;

  • Techniques for streamlining the ways to develop, deploy and use a high-impact performance management system that supports strategy implementation;

  • Measurement and evaluation techniques that are actually helpful (and simple); and

  • Technology and training to support an integrated approach to all these practices.

Participants will also get access to valuable resources to help the on this journey.



Bill Barberg, a co-founder of the Population Health Learning Collaborative, is the President and Founder of InsightFormation, Inc., a Minnesota-based consulting and technology company that helps communities, regions, and states address complex social and health issues that require multi-stakeholder collaboration.   His deep background in strategy implementation has been featured in dozens of conference presentations and webinars, and he both organized and hosted the recent virtual summit on Innovations in Naturally Affordable Housing.   He has been a pioneer in many projects that have pushed forward the practices for achieving Collective Impact on a wide range of issues—from addressing the opioid crisis to transforming housing re-developments into Communities of Hope in Detroit.   

Bill was selected to write the chapter on “Implementing Population Health Strategies” for the book, “Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration” (Routledge, 2017).   His recommendations for using strategy maps is featured as a core recommendation in the new report by the National Academy of Public Administration.   Bill recently co-authored a paper for the Journal of Change Management on “Leading Social Transformations to Create Public Value and Advance the Common Good”.


Learn What Participants Are Saying About this Webinar