ARRCC Action Network-Program Details and Q&A Webinar
November 17, 2021 | NOW ON-DEMAND
Are you interested in participating in the ARRCC Action Network's Group Coaching Program for 2022 but still wondering about details? Bill Barberg leads a 30-minute webinar/Q&A session to go over details on the Group Coaching program that will begin in March of 2022.
ARRCC stands for the ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities. The ARRCC Action Network's Group Coaching Program is an eight-month program that blends training, action, and collaboration to mobilize, educate and equip communities so they can minimize ACEs and increase the adoption of Trauma-Informed Practices.
This webinar will go over the details of the deliverables, agenda, and schedule of the 2022 program and answer your questions about the program. This webinar builds on the October 26 webinar with more details about the actual program.
If you would like your community to participate in the ARRCC Action Network's Group Coaching Program, but key decision-makers need more information, this webinar can help them see the value and opportunity to make a significant impact on ACEs & Resilience across the community.
The ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities (ARRCC) and the ARRCC Action Network are designed to accelerate and enhance the progress that community coalitions can make on these important topics.
The ARRCC is a valuable resource-sharing hub, built on the same technology platform as Wikipedia® that is structured by a robust strategy map.
The ARRCC Action Network is the annual program that helps ACEs-related coalitions to both build-out and leverage the ARRCC to create their own local strategy based on the shared template and resources. It includes training, group coaching, and personalized consulting by Bill Barberg.
This 30-minute webinar will help you accelerate and enhance your community’s response to the crisis of ACEs.
Bill Barberg, a co-founder of the Population Health Learning Collaborative, is the President and Founder of InsightFormation, Inc., a Minnesota-based consulting and technology company that helps communities, regions, and states address complex social and health issues that require multi-stakeholder collaboration. His deep background in strategy implementation has been featured in dozens of conference presentations and webinars, and he both organized and hosted the recent virtual summit on Innovations in Naturally Affordable Housing. He has been a pioneer in many projects that have pushed forward the practices for achieving Collective Impact on a wide range of issues—from addressing the opioid crisis to transforming housing re-developments into Communities of Hope in Detroit.
Bill was selected to write the chapter on “Implementing Population Health Strategies” for the book, “Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration” (Routledge, 2017). His recommendations for using strategy maps is featured as a core recommendation in the new report by the National Academy of Public Administration. Bill recently co-authored a paper for the Journal of Change Management on “Leading Social Transformations to Create Public Value and Advance the Common Good”.