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Integrated Strategy for Testing, Prevention, and Vaccination

As has been seen across the nation, it is not enough to just have vaccines approved and manufactured. There are many other steps that would ideally be taken to optimize people getting the two shots that are required by the vaccinations.

A multi-faceted strategy can engage a wide range of community partners and overcome the obstacles to a successful vaccination campaign.   

Ideally, different types of testing, prevention, and vaccination should be integrated into strategies that are optimized for different populations and neighborhoods.


The above video shares an example of a strategy for one targeted population. Different groups (teachers, seniors in the suburbs, rural communities, etc.) would have different strategies to address their needs and leverage their assets.

On January 21, 2021, CNN reported that the federal government will need to “build everything from scratch” on a vaccine distribution strategy, so there is a compelling case for state and local health departments and health systems to begin to take action with their own strategy.

The implementation of a strategy can be significantly enhanced by using population health strategy management techniques such as those featured in the chapter on Implementing Population Health Strategies in the book “Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration”.

>> Get the eBook version of that chapter by clicking on this link:


If you’d like to be part of a cohort of states or communities that are working together to rapidly develop and implement strategies for testing, prevention, and vaccination, please fill out this form.