Overcoming Obstacles to Deep, Transformational Community Change
This webinar examines valuable practices for engaging communities in deep and sustainable changes by using a "system thinking" approach and strategy management practices. The webinar focuses on an inspiring case study of community transformation ("The Tupelo Miracle") and then shows how those techniques can be used for a strategy that blends housing with economic development.
The feedback on this webinar was enthusiastically positive.
Bill Barberg
President & Founder
InsightFormation Inc
What the attendees are saying about this presentation…
“Fascinating! These ideas could be applicable anywhere. Strategy maps are a great resource.”
“Excellent and thought-provoking; I found myself simultaneously and actively looking to apply the content to local and regional situations I am aware of.”
“This was a great webinar which helped explain the systems approach to solving community problems and address the social determinants of health.”
“Very informative!! Wow! I was blown away by the wealth of information in this seminar. Thanks a million! So awesome!!”
“This is fabulous information! Information is power. Let's get this out! Let's work together and shape up our communities' economic structures. I'm ready, this is the true work of our lives, helping each other succeed, give me a task/team to work with and let's get rolling.”
“Today's webinar was the bomb!! It was concise, to the point, moved right along, you stayed inside the time, great idea flow. You're my hero!! I want to send this webinar out to everyone I know. Keep up the good work.”
“I'm in awe and shocked that I have never heard anything about it before it is value information and more communities need to be made aware of it. Knowing history is the key to helping us to move forward in the now. Thank you for bringing it to the forefront.”
“This is the best and most effective framework for having meaningful community discussions about priorities and strategies to address common and complex community needs.”
“Bill is a clear speaker with strong grounding in systems thinking and strategy. He is willing to share his work and ideas to spread and scale solutions. I am grateful for him sharing his work.”
“Bill offers a Pop health unique lens - identifying and organizing community assets (history, resources and people) creates long term economic sufficiency and community resilience.”